What am I donating to?
The Missionary 911 video & manual was produced by Main Street Church of Brigham City out of our desire to equip Christians for meaningful interaction with Mormons, especially Mormon missionaries.
It does not generate any profit. It does not pay any salaries. This is deliberate. We make it available for free viewing online or download. We believe that we have something valuable to offer to you, and we never want money to get in the way.
But let's face it...production isn't cheap. We're a little church in a small town, but we have a big vision, and serve a great God!
Donations can also be sent by check to:
Missionary 911, c/o Main Street Church
48 N. Main St.
Brigham City, UT 84302
Make checks out to "Main Street Church" and attach a note specifying "Missionary 911."